On time delivery. For example Kaufhof's stated delivery requirement is 95%.
Quality. We have set, and achieved, a standard for quality claims of<1%.
Supply Chain Management
Good suppliers are an exceptional asset for a distribution company like ours. We owe them our fidelity and our loyalty.
For some years now, they have contributed to our progress. Together, we have learnt that the growth of our common businesses involves constant attention to detail. Together we have seen our accounts prosper: to save time and money, oral commitments are no longer enough. Our aim is that the product that you manufacture and we sell should be as successful as possible with our consumers.
Every delay, every defect and every return slows down the process and ends up by being very expensive for us as distributors and you as suppliers.
These Specifications only exist because of the success that you and we both hope to achieve: they are an accelerator for progress in a pre-defined and clear relationship.
Over the years, Swan always adhere to the principle of customers’ satisfaction and is gradually accepted by the customer. However, the clothing orders in practice may take on all sorts of different conditions, having a good or not being cheerful. To this, we adopt supplier evaluation mechanism regular assessment to ensure that we choose the suppliers in a fair and reasonable way. Suppliers may have three possible states: approval, conditional approval and unqualified. Only approval, conditional approval suppliers can appear in the approved supplier list.
Our suppliers are all over the world: fabric suppliers, materials suppliers, clothing factory, logistics company and testing institutions. We also cooperate with the international well-known supplier and quality agencies in order to improve the product quality such as Avery Denison, SML, R - Pac, Check point, JOINTAK, YKK, ITS, BV, etc.