Less water treatment is carried out in order to find more economical and practical way of Denim washing.
The whole objective is to minimize the energy, water, processing time and cost of
the conventional processing at the Industrial Denim wash units.
In usual practice in a mill washing process consist of desizing, enzyme wash, and bleaching,
neutralizing and softener treatments and in some case other process such as acid wash, stone wash etc.
Conventional Method of Washing
In conventional method each and every process was having separate bath. For instance if the
denim jean has to be Washed (with whisker) so process start like:
- Desizing ---- Water washing ---- Drain,
- Enzyme ---- Water Washing ---- Drain,
- Resin,
- Whisker / Abrasion,
- Bleaching ---- Water Washing --- Drain,
- Spray,
- Neutralizing ----- Water Washing --- Drain,
- Softener Wash ---- Drain.
This method includes high consumption of Water.
This is not at all an eco-friendly method and also costly in terms of pricing.
Combined Method of Washing
By combined method of washing we mean combining the different process of washing in
garment. The combination of four baths into one bath shows huge amount of
savings in water, without any compromise on the results of washing.
Water of one process is not drained and utilized in the next process, the energy used to
heat that water is saved and there is no need to use more energy in the next process.
For example after performing desizing, the chemicals of enzyme washing
can be added in the same bath.
Denim washing consist of process as bleach wash, stone wash, enzyme wash and acid
wash and respective recipes of Conventional Wash and Combined Wash are given in
example. The comparison shows that standard combine wash sample is better than
sample of standard conventional washing.
- It is now possible to achieve better results with combined washing process.
- This types of washing treatments on denim garments are responsible for a good finish,
enhanced the appeal and at times also increases the fabric strength.
- Even the color lot (shades) can be achieved to nearest point. Once
the process is finished and QC can match the color lot and if it is not nearer
then garment can undergo for re- process.
There is no limitations to this process and can be used for all type of washes.
In normal practice following rating can be achieved:
- Color fastness to Water ----- 4-5
- Color fastness to Perspiration -----
Acidic ----- 4
Alkaline ----- 4
Water and chemicals are the major elements of the washing process. In a denim mill consumption
of water is quite high and due to hardness of ground water, the processing mills
generally buy water. Therefore, decreasing consumption of water drastically reduces cost.
This process approximately saves 30 % - 35 % of water and 20% - 25% of energy, chemical and time.
The results in below example prove that combined method can be applied commercially
and has a potential of savings in cost, water, energy and time, which ultimately help to save
environment and also produce better results:
Click to view laboratory test date