On time delivery. For example Kaufhof's stated delivery requirement is 95%.
Quality. We have set, and achieved, a standard for quality claims of<1%.
Delivery of Measureables
Training Our staff is our most important asset. Selecting well is essential, but only part of delivering top quality service. We must also equip ourselves with all the necessary tools to be able to deliver. To do this, and help maintain the high standard demanded by our customers we look outside ourselves, to experts in the field: Eg in 2012 REV Training and Coaching Company were invited to work with our middle management for 1 month's "on the job" coaching to introduce new techniques and develop personal skills. Annually we enjoy outbound team building weekends for fun and frolics. All backed up with continual on the job assessment and training.
Supplier assessment system Prior to contracts being issued the relevant Shanghai Swan team members make assessments of financial, technical, quality, product development, and flexibility of potential manufacturing partners. Only after satisfying this team are contracts issued.
ERP Order Management System is an electronic flow system that tracks the progress of all live orders. It is accessible to all relevant staff. and provides up to date status information. Progress is further monitored by our “face to face” weekly review of all live contracts, This review brings together members of the management team and all staff directly responsible for delivering the orders on time.
Our experience in manufacturing, and the application of stringent quality controls, together with the legal and ethical requirements our customers helps us to avoid most problems. However from time to time there will be unforeseen situations that demand quick, decisive action. This is where our team of highly qualified, professionally trained staff, (many of whom have been with us from the beginning), work their magic.